The Art Of Time Management

The art of time managementTime


Course Objectives:

‘ Shortage of time ‘ has become the anguished outcry of Managers who cannot cope with the burgeoning demands on their time… whether from the office or the home. This timely and topical course unveils the secrets of successful Time Management to help you locate and plug time leakages, enabling you to effectively accomplish the things that really matter, and take charge of your life


This course will help you:

  • Insight into the true nature of Time

  • Identify ‘Time wasters’

  • Plan to eliminate them

  • Tailor your responses into successful patterns of response to situations

  • Adopt time-tested techniques (and a few innovative ones) to regain control

  • Apply your new skills in doing the quiz/ objective-type exercises

  • Enjoy the benefits of ample time at your disposal.

Course Fee: FREE

Course Duration: 18 hours

Course Outline:

  • Introduction

  • Time Management

  • Time Wasters

  • Plan Your Time

  • Time Savers

  • Modern Tools For Effective Time Management

  • Myths Of Time Management

  • Health And Time

  • Analyse Your Time

  • Salient Features -Chapter Wise

  • Tips On Time Management

  • Time Management Quiz

  • Multiple Choices with Diagnostic Feed-back

  • Publisher's Note

System Requirements
The Minimum System Requirements are:

  • Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 or Windows NT

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or above

Here are a few ideas that can improve your time management skills. First and foremost, look ahead and at the big picture. This time of year is perfect for reflecting on the past while looking forward to the New Year. Take time to think about both and decide your short and long term goals.


The Art Of Time Management Approach

The Art Of Time Management

The Art Of Time Management Activities

Time Management Tips and the Art of Chunking If you define your work style as “organized chaos,” or you feel like you’re spinning your wheels with regards to getting through your to-do list, then you are not managing your time wisely or efficiently. Time Management For Artist – Know Your Objectives Becoming productive with your time stars with having a clear vision of your priorities and knowing how you spend your time. We all have 24 hours in the day, and we all have a choice on how we manage those 24 hours. Free Online course on The Art of Effective Time Management: Course Objectives: ‘ Shortage of time ‘ has become the anguished outcry of Managers who cannot cope with the burgeoning demands on their time whether from the office or the home.