Rocketbook Everlast App Macnewpb

A new Rocketbook Everlast comes with 36 pages, and while this doesn’t sound like much, it’s not a problem because the solution is designed to have the users wipe the pages clean after some time. Rocketbook Everlast cloud notebooks instantly connect and store your notes, doodles and lists in the cloud with the free smart notebook app. Smart notebooks for everyday use. Description Specs Why? The Everlast notebook provides a classic pen and paper experience, yet is built for the digital age.

We are so freakin’ happy to introduce our new Work at Home Mom’s Mastermind brand and blog! We will be sharing our best productivity hacks, tips and tricks, and ultimate time-management, and basically how we organize our lives to be the most productive they can be because let’s face it guys, we are moms….scratch that…we are work at home moms….so we do not have time to waste! Every minute wasted is a minute away from our family or away from growing a thriving business.

Work Smarter!

Kasey and I both make a full-time income from home as expert VA’s for high profile influencers, systems consultants, social media management and digital organization, and we do NOT have babysitters for our kids yet! So it is totally possible, you just have to WORK SMART!

We have decided that the ultimate goal of the WAHM Mastermind is to EMPOWER work at home moms to constantly keep on learning, and focusing on FREE education (because c’mon, let’s face it, we like free shit!). Kasey and I set aside about 3 hours a week on learning new things, new tools, new courses, new hacks.

We’re Kinda Nerdy
Rocketbook Everlast App Macnewpb

We LOVE learning….it’s kinda nerdy actually….yup. We are not out partying, we are not out having brunch on a Sunday with the gal pals, if you want to find us, we are home building our nerdy empire! Kasey enjoys doing logic puzzles FOR FUN, yup I told you….#nerdalert. I enjoy taking courses on productivity and reading self-improvement books….#noteventryingtobecool.

Rocketbook Everlast App Macnewpb Download

We are a little different, Kasey loves cold coffee (what??), and I love hot coffee (right??), but other than that we are pretty much identical in our personalities. We are introverts, and we love hanging out over there too so if you’re an introvert you’re welcome to join us in our FREE group for introverts.

So….that is why we are biz besties! We love coming up with new ideas, learning new things, bouncing ideas off of each other, having zoom meetings with our kids hanging off of us while we make our grand plans!

For our amazing Work at Home Moms Mastermind, we want to focus on ongoing monthly VALUE.

Tool of the Month

So, we came up with Tool of the Month! Each month, we’ll have a tool/resource/system/software/etc. that we’ll introduce you to. We’ll discuss how we use the tools in the form of a live training in our WAHM FB group, and then upload the blog for it on our site and page and send an email blast to you in case you missed the training or would prefer text-based learning. You can sign up below!

We’re excited about this because we’ll be talking about some things we already use and some things that we are going to learn about as we go along so we can share it with you guys! That means we all get to learn new things!

Some of the tools will be free, some will be paid but we’ll do our best to give you the best bootstrapping tools we can! And we’ll even try to get some discount codes, too.



Whether it is a live in our group, a blog post like this, or an email to you, we will never charge you a penny for our trainings. The tools that have to be purchased, we will let you know the cost, and free options wherever possible but if you don’t want to purchase that tool, just simply take the free version if there is one, or by all means, SKIP that month’s training!

Rocketbook everlast lined

Ok, c’mon, this is cool right? You will get free trainings, and you can learn and update your skills every month for FREE. YOU’RE WELCOME, MOMS!

Grow your business with powerful ecommerce marketing tools include. Learning = Knowledge = Power = More Clients.

So without further ado….April’s Tool of the Month is …


You can get yours here.


The Rocketbook Everlast is the coolest combination of notebook, app, and cloud-based digital note storage system everrrrr. Kasey introduced it to me, I was very skeptical at first but once I got it in my hands, I fell in love. It’s not the cheapest, but it’s worth it because you can reuse it over and over and over! The executive size is $32 and the letter size is $34 at this time. The pens that you have to use are called Frixion pens, and they cost about $7 for a pack of 3 black ones and about $16 for a pack of 7 colorful pens.


So the Rocketbook Everlast works like this: you write all your notes down using the Frixion pens, then you go into the app, take a picture of your pages, and it will take a scan and send it to any cloud-based storage system that you have configured in the app, as well as Trello, Slack, text message, email, and more! Are you kidding me?? How cool is that? And THEN….well, you dampen the cloth that comes with the book, and you wipe away the pages so they are back to brand new. There are 32 pages in the Rocketbook Everlast letter size. Plenty of pages to write your notes and then wipe them clean after you scan them. Never waste paper again, never buy a bunch of notebooks again. Hell, 10 years ago when I was in school, I would have KILLED for this!! Now, I use it for all my meeting notes, my funnel drawings, my shopping lists, and my launch call notes with clients. If you like the feel of writing in notebooks, but want to streamline, this is the tool for you!!


Once you get the Rocketbook Everlast, you download the app and set up your “destinations”. These are the places where you will be able to send your scans to. I will tell you how I have set up my destinations, that way you can do the same or by all means use it with the apps and storage systems that work for you. I work primarily in Google Drive, so a lot of my destinations are within that storage system. But if you’re a Dropbox momma then use it there! The destinations are in the form of little symbols at the bottom of the page, and you write an X on whichever one you want to use of course depending on where you want to send that page of notes to. There is also a QR code at the bottom left of every page that makes these pages functional and scannable. The symbols on the bottom of each page look like this:


Make sure you enable “Handwriting Recognition (OCR)” in the settings, toggle “on” for “Smart Titles” (which renames scans using text between double hashtags (ex: ## title ##)), “Smart Search” (search handwritten text in scans) and “Email Transcription” (embed transcription in email). These features are incredibly important if you want to make full use of the RB! Every day for my meetings I will title the page ## DATE – TITLE OF MEETING ##, and it keeps all my files organized. If you don’t use that feature, it will show up as “Rocketbook Scan – DATE” all the time. Which is good, but not the most functional for organizing and sorting.

Here is how I have my destinations configured:

Text message to my husband. I send him grocery lists primarily and other shopping lists…lol. LOVE IT!

My email. I love the email transcription feature, I use it to send notes to myself to remember to add something to my calendar, very useful.

Google Drive – Meeting notes for the agency I work with. My work there involves participating in a lot of meetings so I always need my notes and scan them afterwards to send them there, and then I review them to add to my tasks as needed.

Our kē systems slack channel. This is to send Kasey and I notes in our Slack channel for our systems consulting clients.

Google Drive – Client Call Notes. This is for general notes relating to other personal smaller clients that I work with, I will make sure I use the ## DATE – CLIENT NAME ## title on each page of notes so that I can organize within the folder that way.

Trello – A Board called “Rocketbook” – Then the List is called “Packing list for travel”. This is a recent one and I love it. I made a huge packing list in the RB for my upcoming trip to the UK and I sent them to a list in Trello, that way I can create a checklist for things I need to buy. I love using Trello, so this works for me, others use Evernote or OneNote for this kind of thing.

Google Drive – Kasey and Ellenie Meetings. This is for when Kasey and I have our brainstorming sessions, I always write tons of notes there and need to keep track of everything.


If you are worried that if you don’t have internet, you won’t be able to access your notes, I would configure one of the destinations to the Dropbox that is set up on your desktop. You will be able to access your notes offline, just make sure they get on there when you do have access to Wi-Fi first. So keep in mind, if you are travelling somewhere that you’re not sure about the Wi-Fi and you want to make sure you have access to your recent notes that you configure one or some of the destinations to go in Dropbox folders.


If you don’t wait for the ink to dry for about 15 seconds, the ink will smudge on the paper. It looks kinda messy. If you’re left-handed you may smudge a lot more, so keep that in mind. If you’re careful, and you wait a few seconds, it stays very clean. You just have to be a little patient!


You can’t use the eraser on the Frixion pens: Don’t do it or it will ruin the pages! You can use the eraser on regular paper, but not in the RB.


You need to have proper lighting for scanning pages: If you have some shadows, it will show up with a blue tone, which is not clean looking. So make sure you’re able to scan with the right light around

Despite some little negatives, the positives definitely take over. There has never been anything cooler than the RB. It’s combining our love of hand-written notes with cloud-based storage, and significantly cutting down on paper usage.

Overall, we think the Rocketbook Everlast is BADASS.

Rocketbook Everlast Lined

I think that pretty much sums up our first Tool of the Month! How cool is the Rocketbook Everlast?? We LOVE IT SO MUCH! Please let us know if you have any questions, drop them in the FB groupand have fun with it! Let us know how you configure YOUR destinations!